Security Issues With Cloud Computing

Zoran TasevskiTechnology

Security Issues With Cloud Computing - Phishing | Technetics Consulting Blog

The Top 5 Threats To Your Data

Cloud-based infrastructure and computing have a lot of benefits for companies of all sizes. But just like any other IT environment, cloud environments have a few security issues that could expose your sensitive information. Proper cloud computing security steps have to be taken in order to secure your data.

What are these threats? This blog discusses common cyber security issues in cloud computing, and how they can be avoided to protect your data.

1. Data Breaches Due To Shared Cloud Servers

Not all cloud servers are built alike. “Shared” cloud servers run multiple operating systems and virtual servers on the same hardware, and can expose you to risk when shared between multiple companies if proper security measures are not taken.

We highly recommend that you work with a cloud data center that offers dedicated servers. This means that you’re not sharing IT infrastructure with any other company, which helps minimize the security risks of cloud computing.

2. Employee Negligence Or Carelessness

One of the biggest security risks for on-premises and cloud-based IT alike is employee negligence or carelessness. Employees leaving their account logged in on their computer at a coffee shop or havving their devices stolen.

This kind of problem is more common than you may think, so make sure you implement the proper security controls to manage access on employee devices and to wipe the data on stolen devices, and train your employees on the IT security steps they need to take to minimize risky behaviours, negligence, and carelessness.

3. Phishing Attacks/Social Engineering

About 32-33% of data breaches involve phishing or social engineering. For example, if an employee downloads an attachment from an email that’s supposed to be from a vendor your company partners with, it could be infected with malware. This  resulting in a compromised computer and compromised cloud systems.

It’s important to train employees on recognizing phishing attacks, and best practices for avoiding them – such as never responding to or downloading an attachment from an unrecognized email address.

4. System Vulnerabilities

Outdated, unpatched operating systems or software running on your cloud computing systems could expose you to data loss. It is imperative to choose a cloud provider that will update their servers, and maintain them properly.

In the same way, make sure that any software you’re using has proper maintenance. Running outdated software or on an outdated operating system means that you may be exposing your data to hackers. Hackers love to exploit known security flaws to gain access to your sensitive information.

5. Data Loss Due To Inadequate Backups

This may not seem like a security issue, but it is! For example, if malware infects your server, you may need to wipe it to eliminate the threat. If you do not regularly back up your information, this could lead to the loss of mission-critical data.

To ensure that you can recover from a disaster like a malware infection or data breach, it’s absolutely essential to maintain easily-accessible data backups.

Work With Technetics Consulting – Avoid These Security Issues In Cloud Computing!

How to avoid common cloud computing security issues? Proper access management, the use of secure cloud infrastructure, and regular security testing and maintenance.

So make sure you’re taking the proper security measures to protect your cloud system. Vulnerable data exposes you to a lot of risk. If you’re not sure where to start and protect your data from these common cloud computing security issues, Technetics Consulting is here to help.

Technetics Consulting provide cloud computing solutions. We ensure you have a safe and secure cloud installation, and implement all of the necessary cloud security measures to protect your sensitive information from data breaches and data loss. Contact us online or give us a call at 1300 853 453 to learn more.